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Director : Kyung Chun An

Frustrated with stubborn fat deposits that create a bulging appearance behind your arms? And, despite your best efforts to eat well, tone and exercise, that excess fat just won’t budge? If so, you may have considered arm liposuction.

Arm liposuction is unique in that it also treats the surrounding area—not just the bulging skin that is bothering you so much—to create lasting results and a well-balanced aesthetic.

But what is it, and how can it help you achieve the sleek and sculpted arms you desire?


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In short, arm liposuction is a minimally invasive surgery that removes excess fat cells (lipids) from the upper arm and surrounding areas through the use of suction techniques—hence the name, liposuction!


Although other (non-invasive) treatments have been developed over the years, liposuction is still considered the most effective treatment for removing large amounts of excess fat from the body and producing a balanced result.

Understanding the Bulging Arm


